Friday, March 10, 2006

The perils of dating

So of course I knew I shouldn't have been dating a 21 year old anyway, that was my first mistake and then knowing he thought we were a couple but not considering us that myself was another (since I didn't tell him we weren't) but you know, I've had this way of ending things for a long time that has worked for me but is kind of selfish, when I have lost interest or gotten bored or whatever I just kind of fade away, become unavailable rather than actually breaking things off. Lame and selfish I know and I've been working on it but it's easier, at least on me, and avoids all that unpleastantness that occurs during an actual breakup session. So this time around I decided to do the adult, reponsible thing and actually tell the person I was not going to see them anymore, this being the 21 year old I was seeing for a few months, keep in mind that I haven't seen him in person for more than a month which to me equates to not seeing him anymore but apparently does not say the same thing to him. So he calls me yesterday and we are just talking casually and I think, maybe I won't have to say anything but then he asks when he can see me and I realize I have to tell him now because otherwise I'm stringing him along because I know I don't want to see him anymore and it's not because of the new guy I already knew I didn't want to see him anymore but now I am seeing the new guy who I really like and see potential in which I never did with 21 year old because let's face it, that's not going to work long term, but now there's a real reason not to keep seeing him. So I tell him, well, here's the thing with that, I'm actually seeing someone else, have been for about a week or so and I don't think I should continue to see you or something to that effect. And does he take this well? Hm, no, he doesn't, he gets all pissed and says I'm seeing someone behind his back and I say, how can I be seeing someone behind your back when I haven't seen you in over a month and we hardly ever even talk. And then he says why couldn't I have told him and I have to say, yes, I should have but I'm telling you now and he says something mean about oh, are you f*cking this guy too, and I want to say "too? because I'm not f*cking you at all" but I don't, I just say that I'm dating him, I never said I was doing anything else with him. And he starts to say something else then says, you know what, *uck you then and hangs up. so that went well I think. Now I know why I do it my way instead of the "adult" way everyone has been telling me I should adopt, it sucks, I hurt his feelings and got cussed out for trying to handle it in the adult way with someone who is barely an adult. So no more dating the youngsters I think, I need to stick to men my own age or thereabouts. On the other hand I talked to my 36 year old last night, even when I don't get to see him we talk on the phone every day and hopefully I'll get to see him tonight or tomorrow, he's been working really long days but I'm glad he's working, so it's cool. now if I could just get rid of this damn cold...


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