Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Being sick blows

I hate being sick, it just sucks, I still have a cold, it's been like two weeks now, I'm never sick this long but I'm sure it has to do with the fact I never get enough rest now so it's lingering and I hate it.
So what's been going on... still seeing the same guy although I didn't see him much for about a week because he was working like 12-15 hour days or something but we talked on the phone at least once a day every day and then last night he didn't have to work so he took a nap and then came to SB since I had to close and hung out till closing then went to the bar where we play pool and I met him there afterwards. So how much sleep did I get last night? Well let's see, I sent to bed at around 2:30 and got up at 6 and inbetween didn't sleep well because I kept having coughing fits. So maybe 3 hours if I was lucky, no wonder I'm still sick but I really wanted to get to spend some time with him since I hadn't really seen him in a week besides having dinner on Saturday and hanging out for about 2 hours. The nice thing is that I rocked at pool last night, I was playing really well, even made an awesome bank shot and sunk the 8 ball, it was beautiful. But I am pretty tired today and I still want to see the guy because it would be nice to have a full evening together, he should call later.
Here's the thing I'm wrestling with. As I mentioned, I really actually like this guy which hasn't happened in a while and I don't want to mess things up. And I think they are going well at the moment but I find myself stressing and freaking out (internally luckily) at the slightest thing. So if I don't hear back from him quickly enough (for me) I honestly think it means something is wrong, it's over, he doesn't like me anymore, he's never going to call again, etc. How demented am I? Really, I drive myself crazy, so far I haven't verbalized any of this and I think he thinks I'm fairly normal but internally I'm a nutcase. What do I do about it? I keep telling myself it's fine and even if it's not it's not like I'm in love yet so it wouldn't be that hard to get over which is all true but I still obsess and I hate it, it's sick and lame girly crap, I don't like feeling like that, plus I know that to have a healthy relationship in the long run I've got to get over my abandonment/trust issues but how do you do that? My friend Kecia told me that my ex ruined me and I told her that wasn't true, he just maimed me but god, I hope I'm right not her. I don't want to obsess over whether he's called or not, whether I'm going to see him or not, whether he's as affectionate as I'd like and what it means... I need help, I'm such a freak.


Blogger Kathryn said...

Wow! first no postings, then you come alive!

I am enjoying hearing about your romantic situation(s), and really hope that things work out with new guy (especially once you get over the cold).

And your blog is now linked to the Abookshelf2.org list, so you should see a few more comments (especially after I post that you have a blog!)

1:32 PM  
Blogger Beanns37 said...

Kath, I have been trying to post more, hopefully I will keep it up and keep you entertained :)

Blublu, you are right, it does take time to build trust in someone, and esp for me since I have issues with that anyway. and I will be fine if it ends, it's just such a miracle in the first place that I actually find myself liking someone, I want to see where it goes w/out messing it up :)

Emma, I don't know why it won't let you post a comment, that sucks!

9:24 AM  

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