Thursday, September 04, 2008


Why can't things ever go the way you think they are going to go? I know that in the scheme of things this is small, esp considering the whole cancer thing, but still. I was told that he was "all mine" this weekend. Then I get an email yesterday from him, still in AZ on tour, and he says a bunch of crap has come up and he can't see me till Sunday. I haven't seen him since a week ago yesterday and now I get to see him on Sunday. What the hell? Normally I would have just thought, that's it, I'm done, this is BS. I usually don't give men more than two chances and there's already been other stuff, so I would have cut and run. But this time I decided to handle it differently and I called him. When he called me back I told him I didn't want to be demanding and I didn't want to bug him while he's in AZ but that we seem to be seeing less and less of each other and while I did tell him I was low maintenance I am not "no maintenance". He said the side job he's doing piled a bunch of stuff on him that he needs to get done and since he won't be back in town till Friday evening he has to do it this weekend. He also said he really wants to keep this job, which I understand, it's just hard because with that job, plus the tour, plus the kids, there's lots of times we can't see eachother. He said he'd come over on Sunday and spend the whole day with me, we could do whatever I want, he'd stay the night if I want, etc, etc... He did tell me he's glad I told him what I was feeling rather than getting mad and keeping it to myself and then blowing up next time something happened. He said his marriage ended because they didn't communicate. He also told me that I wasn't demanding, I am low maintenance, that I was everything I said I was. Sigh... I can't be mad but this whole relationship thing is SO complicated, especially when we are both older, divorced, kids involved, baggage up the wazzoo. I'm really trying to make it work and not fall into old patterns or habits, but it is difficult. Can anyone suggest something to help me not make myself crazy?



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