Thursday, October 09, 2008

Tuesday & Thursday dates

My date Tuesday was nice, we went to eat at a new Mexican restaurant in Montrose (I had a ceviche tostado, yummy) and then we watched Say Anything at my house. He'd never seen it even though he says he's a John Cusack fan. Of course he thought it was awesome because it is and Cusack is awesome in it. And of course there was a little making out going on but not much because... well, I'm not sure I feel any spark. It's clear he does, but I am not getting the butterflies in the stomach thing. Ah well.
Tonight I have a date with the other guy (not one of the Brian's), we are having sushi in Tujunga and then??? I am wondering if he suggested a place in Tujunga because he wants the option of going to my place after dinner. I have no problem with that except; 1. he doesn't know about the one boobedness yet and 2. not sure about chemistry with this one either. I guess I'll play it by ear.
In other news, my ex- mother in law is coming to visit me for the long weekend tomorrow. I took the day off and I have Monday off anyway for Columbus day, so we are hanging out all weekend. I have no idea what we are doing, I need a pedicure so I'm going to suggest that, but otherwise it's all up in the air. We've become really good friend's again since the BC diagnosis and I think it will be a fun weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a date on Saturday night, but mid week he changed his profile and said his match must clean and cook? What the fuck? Order food and hire a cleaning lady like I do. I don't think it's much of a match but we are going local so it won't be much effort. -blu

5:55 PM  
Blogger Beanns37 said...

OMG, that's lame, if he wants food and a clean house let him do it or hire help. I'm not cleaning anyone's house, I can barely manage my own. I hope it goes ok, like you said, at least it's local :p

6:19 PM  
Blogger Don said...

Sounds like you are optimistic about your friend, which I think is a good thing. I usually take dates one date @ a time. Are you a big Cusack fan? If you are, I need to introduce you to a fellow blogger/Cusack fanatic. LOL.

12:27 AM  
Blogger Jenny Robin said...

Heck, I want someone to cook and clean for me, too. But wait, that's ME! I should be doing all least doing it better than I am.

7:57 PM  
Blogger Beanns37 said...

Don, I am a huge Cusack fan, I would in fact stalk him except I'm too lazy.
Jenny, I'd like someone to cook and clean for me too but until Monkee grows some opposable thumbs I don't see in happening :)

10:55 PM  

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