Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Day before yesterday

I have a lot of first dates, many don't get beyond that point. Either I'm not interested or they aren't or they seem to be but don't call or... I hate dating. I feel like Charlotte, I've been doing this since I was 16 (with a 5 year hiatus whilst married), so where the hell is he?
Monday was Labor Day and I was off, three day weekends are the best except you want to go back to work even less afterwards. And that day I had yet another first date, daytime, we were meeting for coffee at Starbucks in Burbank since I had to go to Target anyway. He's 45, can you believe it, old enough to be the dad to some of the guys I've dated. Crazy man. So our quick coffee date turned into a 6 hour coffee/lunch/icecream/walkaroundtown date. Seems like a good start. Our second date is tonight, meeting in Pasadena for happy hour at 5:30. Wish me luck that he doesn't end up being a dumbass and that I don't say something incredibly stupid.


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