Thursday, July 13, 2006

Quick update

So I called the guy from the concert on Tuesday, fairly late because I went out after work and didn't have time till then. And I didn't hear back from him that night or all day yesterday so I'm thinking, hm, what's up with that? Then today at work my cell rings and yes, it's concert guy, he's been busy with work but wanted to call me really quickly, we talked for like 3 minutes and he said he'd call me back tonight. Yay. Am fairly excited since he's a good kisser and I wouldn't mind macking out with him again and seeing where that goes.
This sort of relates to a post by Blu about girlfriends and how lame they can be and why she prefers to hang out with male friends in general. I myself have several v. good female friends, some I've had for well over 20 years, and I love them to death, they know pretty much everything about me which almost no one else does or ever will. They are the family I have chosen for myself because they support me, love me, put up with my crap, put me in check when I need it. One thing that has always bugged me are women who flake out on their friends to go out with a guy or at the slightest interest from a guy or whathaveyou (not at all meaning you, Blu!). I have a good girlfriend who's only 26 who tried to do that to me last night and I had to put her in check because it's just not cool. I dont' understand women who think that dropping your friends for a man is a good idea. In my experience men come and go but good friends are forever, better to keep those around and if the man doesn't understand he's not a good match for me anyway. Guess I'll just have to train my friend not be a flake :)


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