Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Concerts and such

Went to a Pearl Jam concert Sunday night, they were really good live. The opening band was Sonic Youth, I'm sure I have heard them played on KROQ but they didn't play one song I recognized and what they did play I didn't like much. I was mainly going to see PJ anyway, so didn't really care, but my friend Jen went with me mostly to see SY and she didn't like their choices either. So we're drinking $12 margaritas at the concert, walking around trying to find a section with cute boys to flirt with, made a complete circuit and ended up right where we started. But then I ended up talking to a guy with a completely shaved head, cute, small goatee and glasses, sort of quirky/artistic looking, named Bill who was totally willing to share his corona with me/us and also other substances of the smoking variety and I ended up making out with him for most of the concert. Can't beat great live music and making out with someone who actually kisses well. Jen was a very good sport and didn't give me any crap about it, she was just happy one of us was getting something. His friend Raul seemed okay but who knows with guys. After we couldn't find our car and they walked around the parking lot twice with us looking for it, ended up being parked like 10 feet from their car, ironic, no? Then we all went to Denny's and ate breakfast which he paid for also (nice guy) and then I made out with him more in the parking lot while poor Jen waited in the car and finally got home around 2:30 am, had to be at work at 7:30 am Monday morning and was SO tired but it was worth it. We exchanged numbers but he lives in the OC which is a bit far so we'll see if anything comes of it. Going back to Santa Barbara for a weekend soon to with another friend, that s/b fun. And I'm starting a horseback riding class this Sunday, that's going to be a blast, can't wait! This summer is shaping up to be very interesting...


Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

I met Eddie Vedder years ago backstage at a Bridge School concert . . . he walked up to me and said, "Have you seen a man with a blue mohawk go by?"

I told him that I hadn't and then he and I went on a search for the guy. We never did find him.

EV is a tiny little man.

8:47 AM  
Blogger Beanns37 said...

Omg, I'd so love to meet him. It was cool though, Tim Robbins came onstage and sang a duet with EV, a protest song they rewrote to include current events (Dick Chenney, W, etc), one of the highlights for me.

12:30 PM  

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