Friday, July 07, 2006

Not just Friday, payday Friday!

I think everyone would agree that Fridays are, in general, one of the best days of the week, as long as your normal workweek is M-F, but payday Fridays are just that much better- the start of the weekend and money to spend! Vonderbar. So of course I used the occasion to buy two bracelets, a pair of earrings and a necklace from my friend and coworker who makes jewelry, spent $90, poof, some of that (sort of) hard earned money gone. But she makes pretty stuff, silver mostly, with real stones and crystals and designer beads and I like it, so oh well. Tomorrow I am going to go see the new Pirates of the Carribean movie with my friend Karla and Sunday I am going to see Pearl Jam at the Forum in Inglewood, for those of you who do not know LA very well, Inglewood is not, let's just say, the best neighborhood, it's actually more like THE HOOD kind of neighborhood, but I'm a brown girl, I should blend in. Next Sunday I have a class starting up, my friend Jen and I (of the Santa Barbara pics) are taking a horse back riding class together, it s/b fun, used to go riding all the time when I was younger in Santa Maria, but down here I never have the time/opportunity, so this provides for both of those things.
I may move into Pasadena, my friend lives in a small complex and an older lady passed away so now her apt is available or will soon be. Of course the circumstances are sad but the availability of a nice apt in a nice area for only $800 a month is not to be ignored no matter how it became available. Keep fingers crossed that I get it, I really do need to move from my current residence so I can stop sleeping with my gun under my pillow. For those who thought that was/is completely insane, keep in mind I have a queen size bed for just me and it's under the pillow I don't sleep on, so it's not as bad as it sounds...
My 20 year reunion is this year and may actually happen, we've never had a reunion, not one, but I am pushing people into meeting at the end of the month so hopefully we'll get something planned. I still see many of my good friends from HS but it would be interesting to see some of the ones that I haven't seen since we graduated lo these many years ago.
Speaking of HS, when I was in HS and we'd have to run laps, remember that fun activity? I never could run a whole mile, four laps, no way, I'd run one, then have to walk half a lap or so, run another lap, etc, I honestly think I NEVER ran a whole mile in my entire life, and the other night at the gym I ran 1.5 miles straight thru on the treadmill and I wasn't even really out of breath, my hips and ankles hurt but it wasn't even that hard. I think I'm in the best physical shape I've ever been in, discounting the arthritis that's creeping up on me and the adult acne I've been so blessed with lately. Maybe getting older doesn't completely suck.


Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

How come your school has never had a reunion?

2:54 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

I have never had any desire to go to any of my high school reunions (they can't find me anyway; my mom moved out of town five years after I graduated).

4:41 PM  
Blogger Beanns37 said...

we suck basically, it's only my class, not the whole school, most other years have had all their reunions.

12:29 PM  

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