Wednesday, September 27, 2006


when I was in town a few weeks ago for my HS reunion meeting I of course went by to see my mom, but the actual purpose of my going home was the meeting and I was only there for the day. my uncles birthday happened to be around that time so I told my mom I'd bring his card and gift with me and I figured he'd come by sometime that day and I'd give it to him. this is the same uncle who was drunk as a skunk the last time I saw him in March for my grandmother's birthday. so I'm on my way there around 10:30 in the morning, I left the LA area around 8:30 but it takes me about 2 1/2 hours to get home. unless I left my house at 7 there's no way I'd be in town before 10 and sorry, but I am not getting up at 6 am on a Saturday. so I'm around Gaviota when my mom calls my cell phone to see where I am. I say, I'm on the 101 around Gaviota, which is still about 30-45 minutes away from Santa Maria. then she tells me, your uncle is here and there's a pause. so I'm like, ok, I don't know what you want me to do about that, I'm like 45 minutes away, I can't be there any quicker, if I could materialize there instantaneously I would do that all the time, but I can't so I don't know why you are calling to tell me that. so I just repeat, I'll be there when I get there, if he's still there, great. I mean, they know I'm coming from 165 miles away, why wouldn't he call before coming over to see if I'm there yet if he wants to see me? so I get there, he's gone home of course, whatever, I'll just leave his card and gift with my mom. so I go to my meeting at 2 and get back at 4 and then I'm going to eat and do an errand for my mom and try to get out of town around 6. and my mom tells me, Uncle Bill wants you to come over to the house, he has some pics to show you of the property in Oregon. and I say, no, I'm not going over there, he should have come over here when I was here if he wanted to see me, it's on the opposite side of town and I don't have time. plus I ask her, is he drinking? and she says yes, he sounded like he was. so I'm like, no way, not going. then the phone rings and I tell her, if that's him, I'm not here. so of course it was him and he's asking if I'm back yet and she tells him no so he asks for my cell number (which I gave him a long time ago) and then of course he calls that but I don't pick up. so I eat my gumbo and then go to do my moms errand and I call him back when I'm at OSH and tell him I can't make it over there that day. I can totally tell he's freakin drunk and let me just say, there's no way in HELL I'm going over there BY MYSELF while he's that drunk and hanging out with him, I mean, if he does something inappropriate I'll have to punch him. so he's like, you should come see your grandma, and I'm thinking, she doesn't even know who I am anymore, come on, and then he's like,it's my birthday and I tell him I don't have time to come by, I have to do something for mom and then leave. then he makes a huge mistake and tries to guilt trip me- it's a very short trip because homey don't play that. I don't do guilt trips, that's crap, he starts to whine, oh, so you have time for your friends when you come to town but not your family, and I interrupt him and say, no, everytime I'm in town I see mom but I don't have time to see everyone I'd like to everytime. and I'm thinking but didn't say, if my friends were drunk I wouldn't go see them either you freakin lush. so he's like, ok, all sullen and quiet and I tell him I'm leaving his card and gift with mom and he can pick it up when he gets a chance and he just says ok. but when I get off the phone I call my mom and tell her what a jackass he is and how if he calls her she'd better stand up for me and tell him what an ass he is because he's her freakin brother and I'm not putting up with his shit, I hate it when family acts like you owe them something or like just because you happen to be related you are supposed to cater to them even if you don't like them or they make you uncomfortable, but I do not believe that, if someone makes me that uncomfortable I avoid them as much as humanly possible and I am going to try to never be alone anyplace with him as long as he lives. family members like him are the reason I've made my friends into my family because they actually get it.


Blogger Beanns37 said...

Yeah, I know, but he got me a gift so I kind of felt I had to. Honestly though, I want to tell my mom to tell him not to get me anything for Christmas and I'll just do the same.

11:38 AM  
Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

Why would you worry that he would do something inappropriate? Does he have a history of that?

9:55 PM  

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