Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I'm in pain. I had my chemo port taken out today, it was done in the office with local which has worn off. I have at least 8 stitches I think, and it's hurting now :( I took a vicadin (sp), I hope it kicks in soon...
I had my fourth date with Brian #2 tonight, we went to dinner and then saw How to Lose Friend's and Alienate People, it was fairly funny. I do like that Simon Pegg, if you haven't seen Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead you are missing out on some major comic genius and lots of gratuitous violence.
I have to say, I had a ton of fun with my ex-MIL over the weekend. We shopped, ate, I got a tat, we hung out with my friend Karla and went to an English pub in Santa Monica, went to two bookstores... it was great. I'm really glad to have her back in my life as my friend. My ex may be a fuckwit, but at least he was good for something.
I have a date with the other guy on Thursday, not sure what we are doing. It's nice to have a couple of nice guys to take me to dinner and movies and not expect anything from me in return besides witty conversation and some making out (which is fun anyway). Maybe I'll just do this for a while...



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