Sunday, November 09, 2008

After date wrap up

Ah, isn't dating fun? I mean, it is, I'm not really being sarcastic, it is fun but it's also challenging, or at least that's what I'm noticing. I had a really long date yesterday, he picked me up at around 12:30 and we went to the Rosebowl and tailgated until just before 3, then went in to the game, that lasted till 6 or so, then we tailgated some more with a group of his friends and had cookies and champagne (even though UCLA lost). His friends are nice and they were all really friendly which was cool. After everyone left it was still early so we picked up a movie and came back to my place to watch it. It was a scary one which he hates, but he watched it cuz I wanted to, that was sweet. I had to promise to protect him from it tho and of course I did ;)
Then we messed around and once again he acheived lift off which was v. good! And then I asked him if he wanted to stay over so he did and this morning we were messing around again and... no liftoff. He started off fine but somewhere along the way lost it. Not sure exactly why but he did lose his job on Friday and his ex was in town and he was going to have to see her this afternoon, so probably stress, anyway I hope it was stress. I know he had a really good time with me tho and I did with him too. On his facebook he did one of those Super Poke things and "cuddled up with me (and only me)" which I thought was sweet. Tuesday I am off for Veteran's Day (have to love those bank holidays!) and I suggested since he's not working that we go for a hike and I'll make a picnic lunch. That way we do something physical which is good and cheap which is also good. I hope he finds a job quickly because I know it sucks to be unemployed and especially in this economy.
Oh, and I saw a 2nd plastic surgeon on Friday, she also doesn't do the type I want so she's referring me to someone she said was very good. Hopefully I'll get that authorization within a week or two so I can go in and see him. I really want to try to get the surgery done by the end of this year so I don't have to worry about my insurance and all that as I may also not have a job soon after the new year, sigh... Keep your fingers crossed I get the auth quickly and that this guy works out!


Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

Sounds like fun. Bummer about the lift off and his losing his job. Why might you be out of a job next year?

5:49 PM  
Blogger Gail said...

In banking, no one's jog is safe. My daughter lost hers at Wachovia in Oct. when the bank shut down the whole site where she worked as a real estate underwriter. I hope Beanns situation won't turn out like hers.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Gail said...

dear me..I really should look at the keys once in a one's JOB.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Beanns37 said...

My credit union is "merging" with a larger CU. They are calling it a partnership but really it's an aquisition and even though they say we will all have jobs, I know that they don't actually have my position at the other CU. So, I may get layed off, but if I do at least I get almost a year's severance. Still sucks, I love my coworkers.

9:54 PM  

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