Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Breaking up is hard to do...

I need some input here. The guy I went out with on Friday is a v. nice guy and all, ok, a little loud and full of himself but really, for LA, not bad and he likes me. However, I just don't feel ANY spark with him, we went to sushi (yummy btw) for dinner then picked up a couple of movies (Derailed, pretty good and Mirrormask, v. odd but interesting) and watched them at my pad and then after the movies he finally got up enough nerve (half a bottle of wine may have helped also) to make a move and we ended up making out for like a half hour. And during this makeout session what is Beanns thinking of? What I needed to get at Target and the grocery store and how to get him out of my apartment so I could go to sleep. Absolutely no sparks, I could see hanging out with him but I never want to make out with him again and as for more, no way that's happening. So I have to tell him somehow and as outspoken as I am I'm really bad at this which is why I usually do a dissapearing act, stop taking phone calls, become completely unavailable till they get the hint. I'm really trying to be more adult about it lately tho, so I don't want to do that, but the last two I broke things off with or stopped before it got going got ugly, and this is a friend of my friend so I don't want it to end that way. What I need are suggestions, things I could say that would work, let the guy know I'm not interested romantically but that won't hurt his feelings too badly. Can a girl get some help dumping someone please?


Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

I've always just been honest and told them that I totally like them as a friend but nothing more and that I still want to be friends. Most guys take it well, the ones who don't I figure have their own problems and I'm better off without them in my life.

9:43 AM  

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