Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Weekend update

Have you ever been so tired your heart actually hurt, sort of felt like you might have a heart attack? I think I got about 26 hours of sleep last week over 6 days, three nights I got 3 hours or less and by Sunday I felt so terrible I thought I was going to die at SB. Friday night I went out to a bar at the Citywalk, I was only going to stay for a while anyway, which I did, but then a friend from SB called, she was depressed, having car trouble and wanted to go out but no transpo, so I picked her up and we went to the Mix, played pool and drank, I think I had about 11 drinks that night and never even got drunk, and then had to drop her off, got home around 3 and was up at 9, spent the morning in Glendale with friends, worked from 1-5, then went to a friend's birthday dinner and then to a bar for drinks, was only going for a while, but surprise surprise, stayed until 2 which was actually 3 with the time change, had to get up at 6:15 to work at 7:15, thus the feeling horrible all day Sunday, then yesterday I didn't come to work because I was nauseous in the morning, and SO tired, I slept from 9:15 sunday night till 10:15 Monday morning. Yesterday did almost nothing, just rested (did go to the gym tho, hadn't gone in 3 weeks due to being sick, I had to go), got my hair cut (she took off like 3 inches even tho I said 1 inch), went to bed by 9:30 and slept till 5:45, I'm STILL tired but not dead feeling at least. I can't keep doing that tho, no more weeks like the last one, too much emotional drama and not enough rest is not good for Jean. I think I need a new job/personal life/life in general... or maybe I'm still just tired. but, I am definitely not going to be myself at work anymore, altho I'm getting a good raise because I demanded it, I read my VPs review comments and I am not happy about many of them. Yes, I am tardy quite often, but that's because I have to take 4 freeways to get to work and if there's an accident on one of them I'm screwed, usually I'm early, but if I'm late I'm really late, so I was dinged for that even tho she knows that I can't really control that. Also dinged for the way I dress even tho I'm one of the best dressed people here, I'm not just saying that, you should see the way some of these people dress, but sometimes a top shows a little cleavage, so even tho others wear T-shirts that aren't even allowed, or pants so tight they can't breathe, I get dinged for that too. And lastly that I am too opinionated, well, that's true, I am, but everyone knows that, it's just the way I am, but I always help people no matter how idiotic I think they are, I just voice my opinion, but when we go over my review on Thursday I am not going to have an opinion at all, I'm just going to let her say whatever, and go over my goals and that's going to be it. I volunteer for all kinds of extra stuff that I don't get recognition for or any kind of monetary compensation, but apprently that doesn't make up for the fact that I have a big mouth, so I guess I might as well not do those extra things anymore. Sorry, this was a major rant but I'm annoyed and it helps me if I write it out.


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