Monday, April 10, 2006

Time for a move?

Saturday night, getting ready to go out to the Mix, friend from SB is having birthday gathering there, I notice helicopter circling round our building, bright lights and all that, freaking Monkee out. figure something is going on in the area, but no reason to think it's my building. get a call a few minutes before I'm going to leave, there was a home invasion robbery in my building, which is only 12 units so it was just down the walk from me, two men with guns came in thru the sliding door on the balcony, tied the couple up in the bathroom with tape and took everything of value. they did get free from the tape but their phones had been smashed so they had to go to other apartments until they found a phone to use to call the cops who apparently responded w/in five minutes. so my friend is telling me to be careful when I leave and come home, but you know, I leave and come home after dark all the time now due to SB, so that's a little freaky. guess I need to find a new place to live, I'm sure nothing is going to happen to me esp as I live on the 2nd floor, but who knows? damn criminals...
On the plus side, my Friday date was good, he brought me a white rose, took me for French food and then we went for coffee and then to my place for a bit then went and played pool. he's nice but a little loud and crass, not sure if I see myself going out with him for a long time but I'm going to give him a chance.


Blogger Kathryn said...

I know I am WAY late to ask this, but what is SB?

10:01 AM  
Blogger Beanns37 said...

Starbucks, sorry Kath, I just abreviate everything I poss can :)

8:19 AM  

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