Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Hump day

Monday night got a call from the Saturday date guy but I was closing at SB so didn't see the missed call till later and didn't have chance to call back. Yesterday was in Target and missed another call from him, my reception in stores just sucks, and then by the time I got home it was 8 pm and I wanted to watch the Gilmour Girls and then Scrubs so didn't call back. Called today and was thinking, ok, am going to tell him I'm not interested, I'm going to do it, this is it. But he was at work and there were obviously people in his office because he was talking to people off and on and I'm at work and people walk by and so I chickened out of course. He did say he thought I was avoiding him when I didnt' call back right away, perhaps I should have just said, yes I was, because I wasn't sure how to say... but I didn't take the opportunity so now I have to tell him tomorrow when I said I'd call back. On a positive note I am supposed to go out with the Scotsman on Saturday, I am much more excited about that, it s/b a ball... ha ha, get it?
Then I get another phone call on my cell last night, didn't hear it ring yet again, some guy I met at my friend's birthday party Friday, I so don't remember giving him my number and for the life of me I can't really recall what his face looks like, so I called my friend to ask her and she didn't pick up so I call him back and I'm chatting with him and he's like, I'm the one you were coaching at pool, blah blah, that rings a bell but still can't picture his face, then Jen calls back but I'm still on the phone, finally he invites me to his birthday shindig Friday, but I already have plans, I tell him I'll come by if I can and then I call Jen back and she thinks it's the funniest thing ever that I gave him my number and can't remember him but she does tell me he's cute, so that's good, didn't give my number to some random ugly guy just a random young cute guy, I think perhaps I had a bit too much to drink...


Blogger Beanns37 said...

Hi Allie! Yeah, I know, I need to just be honest, I'm just so bad at breaking things like this off.

8:52 AM  

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