Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Another day another date

Going out with the Coldstone guy again tonight, I actually kind of like him so far, but not too much which is good, I'd rather like them a little and them like me a lot rather than vice versa and it is nice to like someone, I haven't kissed him yet but probably will tonight, so if that goes well... maybe I'll actually stay sane and just see where it goes, anything's possible
I am still employed at Starbucks, I gave notice but then my manager didn't want me to leave, so I told her the schedule I'd want to work which is a really annoying one and the reason I just gave notice, I didn't want to be that pain in the ass person, the schedule I want is: one weeknight closing (Monday thru Thursday, don't care which one), work either Sat or Sun, never both, no openings, in fact nothing really before 10 am, and absolutely no shifts over 6 hours, I hate working an eight hour shift there, it kicks my butt after working 40+ hours during the week, after I rattled all that off to her she looked at me like I was a crazy person and I said see, that's why I just gave notice, I didn't think you'd want to deal with that. So she asked if this would be a forever thing and I said no, but probably thru the summer because we are busy at work and I can't work as much here, so she said we'd try it thru the end of June and if it doesn't work for either one of us I'll just quit, so I guess I still work there, oh well, I can pay off another bill or something I guess.
My mom let my brother move back in, he had been out for about a year I guess, got on meth, got off (?) of it, is working currently but how long will that last now that he's back at home? The problem is that he actually does better when he's forced to fend for himself, the moment he's back at home he reverts, I have seen the pattern repeat itself over and over yet my family seems incapable of seeing it, I told my mom I think she made a huge mistake letting him move back in and she said she agreed so I asked why she did it then and she said she must be stupid which to me is a cop-out, it's a way of not taking responsibility for your actions, it makes me crazy. I told her that I think she can't see the pattern that happens because she's too close to it and me being farther away it's easier to see, but actually what I also think happens with my family is that deep down, sub-consciously, my mom wants her kids to be dependent on her, I really think this is true, and both my sister and brother are, when they get too independent she sucks them back in and makes them dependent again, then it gets to be too much, out they go and the cycle repeats, so dysfunctional, but I am not saying that to her, it would just hurt her feelings and it wouldn't change anything so what's the point? I'm the only one who is independent and that's because I refused to move back in when I got divorced and she made the offer several times but I was like, no way can I do that, I actually told her there was no way I could move back and I've stuck to that and I have my own life and a good job and yeah, I am messed up with men and can't sustain a relationship with one but I have awesome friends so all in all I am pretty happy with this experiment I call my life.


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