Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Yes, it is the 5th of May, aka Cinco de Mayo, which is celebrated all over the US but especially in CA where we have a v. large proportion of latinos. There will be parties all day, some people are undoubtedly already drunk as I type this and you are taking your lives in your hands driving on our freeways today (although that's really always the case anyway). A lot of people think I am latina, looking at me, olive skin and dark brown hair, but I am not at all, I am a mix of a bunch of different things, none of which are from central or south america. I get spoken in to in Spanish pretty much everday, I was just in a Ralphs supermarket and one of the employees said something to me in Spanish as I walked by, no idea what it was, but he sounded polite, I don't think it was dirty or anything. I do speak poquito espanole, but it's hard for me to hold a conversation, I can't think of what to say quickly enough and if they speak fast I only catch a few words out of every couple of sentences. I will be going to Happy Hour after work today with friends and having a couple of margaritas to celebrate and then probably going home as I have a spa appt tomorrow morning to get a massage and have to be there by 8:15 and it's in the valley so I have to leave fairly early then I work all day, 4:15 or so till 12:45 am the next morning, so I want to get some rest tonight if possible. It will be SO nice to get a massage, it's been a long time and I am stressed and tense and my neck has been really jacked up lately, I am looking forward to it. Then we are having lunch at Cheesecake Factory then I have to head back home to get ready for work.


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