Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My life, such as it is

Let's see, what's been happening in Beannland? Well, the guy I needed to talk to seems to be gone, and yes, I sort of wimped out but on the other hand he sort of ended it himself by annoying me too much in one day. Saturday I had to work at SB during the day and I had the night off. He called during my shift and of course I didn't get the message till later when I got off work so I did call him back. I was really tired that day and I was already having a drink with another guy that night so I didn't want to do anything else, just go for a drink then go home early which I told "A", the one I wasn't interested in. and then he completely ignores what I justs said and tells me "so I get done with my mixer thing at like 10, we should go do something after that" and I have to say "no, like I just said, I just want to hang out at my house with my cat and watch the 10 shows I taped over the last week and a half and chill". so he's like, oh, you just want to spend a boring Sat night at home and I'm like, yes, that's my idea of nirvana at this moment. and I think that's that, so I go for a drink with the new guy who's actually got a great personality, not exactly my type physically but we had fun, the convo was entertaining and we both had a good time. I didn't stay long though because I really did want to just go home but then my friend Jennifer calls and says she's bored, her boyfriend of 8 years recently broke up with her, he was cheating and is now with that girl and she doesn't like to sit home much so I said I'd go into Glendale and shoot some pool or something mellow with her but I didn't want to stay out late. in the meantime I miss a call from someone and I look and it's freakin' "A", I check my voicemail and he's left a message saying basically, I know you are home watching tv, what a boring way to spend Sat, call me back so we can do something, and I'm like, you have got to be kidding, what part of N O do you not understand, I hate being pressured by anyone and especially men, so I didn't call back that night or the next day and he hasn't called so now I haven't talked to him since Saturday and I think that's it. I guess it's good that it ended somehow but of course that wasn't the way I intended to do it, oh well, it's done.
Everytime I have to go into SB now, every shift, I dread, I am so tired of working two jobs, it's only been like 5 months but I miss my free time horribly and I'm tired of being tired all the damn time and I paid off the credit card bill I wanted to pay off so I think I am going to quit there sometime next month. I feel bad though because I really like everyone and don't want to leave them right as it gets busy for summer but then again I never meant this to be a long term thing so...
I was looking at houses in Eugene, OR, you can get a three bedroom two bath for under $150K, the mortgage payment would be LESS than my rent and the jobs seem to pay a decent amount. so I am going to look for jobs in that area and probably move out of LA this summer. I'm tired of renting, I'll never be able to afford a house here, maybe a condo if I'm lucky and I want a yard and space and trees, so I am going to move.


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