Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My perfect day

I was thinking about what a perfect day would be for me. I know it's different for everybody but never really considered what I would do, where I'd be or who with if I was to experience a perfectly wonderful day. I think for it to be perfect, it actually would have to start the night before...
I sleep fairly crappy most of the time, so an awesome day would start with me having gone to bed the night before fairly late, midnight or 1:00 am or so and sleeping straight thru, not waking up until at least 8:00 am and not having a backache, headache or neck pain upon waking. Actually feeling rested and not in any kind of pain would be vonderbar.
I'd wake up to Monkee staring into my face from about an inch away like she does sometimes, feeling puffs of breath on my nose and eyes as she tries to figure out if I'm awake. Sometimes she pats me on the face with her paw too, to make me get up.
Then I'd get up, eat something healthy like yogurt and fruit and shower and then I'd leave the house. The weather would be nice; warm but not too hot, nice and clear blue skies. I'd go to the beach, one that wasn't overly crowded and sit and listen to the water and read a book, walk up and down the sand getting my feet wet and look for shells.
Later I'd find a nice casual place to get lunch right on the beach and after I ate I'd do some shopping, not in a mall but in little boutiques and maybe buy myself something cute.
Once it started to get late I'd head home and stop someplace to pick up dinner, something ethnic like Thai or Indian and a bottle of nice red wine like Pinot Noir. I'd also pick up a movie or two, go home, watch my movies, eat my yummy food and drink my wine and cuddle up with Monkee. And last I might take a bubble bath while listening to some classical music or jazz and having another glass of wine. Then read in bed till I was sleepy and that would be the end of my wonderful, perfect day.
And I notice when I write this that I don't have any interaction with anothe human person the whole day... what does that say about me and what makes me happy I wonder?


Blogger UrbanStarGazer said...

Interesting premise, I've never actually thought about it. Have to do that now.

8:57 PM  

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