Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm sick

I have a bad cold, a lot of my co-workers are sick and I think someone must have breathed on me or something, it sucks. But I can't really complain when I was so lucky last year and never got sick even while going thru chemo. Hopefully I can conquer this bug fast, I really am not a good sick person, makes me grumpy.

So I am down to one boy, no more Brian's at all. I really wasn't feeling anything romantic for him, no sparks or chemistry but I was trying to give it a little time because he's such a nice guy. So he emails me Sunday at work (when he clearly knows I'm not here, what's with these boys?) and says he also doesn't feel a romantic spark but hopes we can be friends. Well in his case I think we can because it never got physical and it was mutual though I do wish these men would be more adult and tell me at least over the phone. I am still seeing the other guy, saw him Sunday actually, we played Rock Hero, it was actually a lot of fun, if you haven't played it. I sang and played drums :)

For Halloween I'm going to be a devil and we carved a pumpkin for a competition, it has four ghosts on it which represent the four of us in our dept. I love Halloween, it's my fave holiday. I'm going to my friend Karla's after work to watch scary movies, hand out candy and perhaps have some kind of pagan ritual. Fun times...

Thursday, October 23, 2008


No, not as in postscript, as in plastic surgeon. I met with a Beverly Hills PS yesterday after work. He was fairly nice, most surgeons do not have the best bedside manners, but he was ok. He suggested I get a Tram Flap which would use the flab from my stomach along with some muscle to make a new right boob. It will only make a B size boob though and I am a DD on the left so I'd have to go back at a later date and add in a small implant or have another reduction on the left side to make me approx the same size. For the major surgery I'd be in the hospital about four days and then probably out of work about 4 weeks (although somemone said they were out 6-8, I doubt I would be out that long). I may have the surgery as soon as next month. My ex-MIL already said she'd come take care of me for a few days after I get out of hospital, so that's all set. It's a fairly major surgery since it's really a tummy tuck AND boob reconstruction, I'm a little nervous but I usually heal quickly, I think it s/b ok. I also got to see pics of what the boobs look like after; not really like original boobs, but in clothes I'm sure it looks pretty good. I'll keep y'all posted.

Friday, October 17, 2008

My latest tat

Here is a pic of my new tat, it's the largest one I have now I think, although not the most intricate.

My back hurts

Ya know, before BC, a backache was just a backache; pulled muscle, slept wrong, whatever. Now, a backache is possible cancer mets, tumors, etc etc... it sucks. So when I see my oncologist on Monday I have to mention it to him and he may want me to have a PET scan or something which also sucks. Maybe it will stop hurting by then, but it's hurt for around 5 days now. Sigh.

In happier news, my tat is healing nicely, and even the incision where my surgeon took out my portacath is healing up and doesn't really hurt today. Also, I meet with a plastic surgeon next week to discuss reconstruction, I'll keep y'all updated.

I had a date Tuesday with Brian #2, then a date last night with the other guy and tomorrow I am going to Brian's house for a movie day. It will be interesting meeting his friends and seeing how he is around them. I still haven't decided which one I like better and I kind of just want to let things go along slowly and see how it evolves. Last night at dinner I told the other guy about the BC issue and he didn't have a problem with it, so that was a relief.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I'm in pain. I had my chemo port taken out today, it was done in the office with local which has worn off. I have at least 8 stitches I think, and it's hurting now :( I took a vicadin (sp), I hope it kicks in soon...
I had my fourth date with Brian #2 tonight, we went to dinner and then saw How to Lose Friend's and Alienate People, it was fairly funny. I do like that Simon Pegg, if you haven't seen Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead you are missing out on some major comic genius and lots of gratuitous violence.
I have to say, I had a ton of fun with my ex-MIL over the weekend. We shopped, ate, I got a tat, we hung out with my friend Karla and went to an English pub in Santa Monica, went to two bookstores... it was great. I'm really glad to have her back in my life as my friend. My ex may be a fuckwit, but at least he was good for something.
I have a date with the other guy on Thursday, not sure what we are doing. It's nice to have a couple of nice guys to take me to dinner and movies and not expect anything from me in return besides witty conversation and some making out (which is fun anyway). Maybe I'll just do this for a while...


Thursday, October 09, 2008

Tuesday & Thursday dates

My date Tuesday was nice, we went to eat at a new Mexican restaurant in Montrose (I had a ceviche tostado, yummy) and then we watched Say Anything at my house. He'd never seen it even though he says he's a John Cusack fan. Of course he thought it was awesome because it is and Cusack is awesome in it. And of course there was a little making out going on but not much because... well, I'm not sure I feel any spark. It's clear he does, but I am not getting the butterflies in the stomach thing. Ah well.
Tonight I have a date with the other guy (not one of the Brian's), we are having sushi in Tujunga and then??? I am wondering if he suggested a place in Tujunga because he wants the option of going to my place after dinner. I have no problem with that except; 1. he doesn't know about the one boobedness yet and 2. not sure about chemistry with this one either. I guess I'll play it by ear.
In other news, my ex- mother in law is coming to visit me for the long weekend tomorrow. I took the day off and I have Monday off anyway for Columbus day, so we are hanging out all weekend. I have no idea what we are doing, I need a pedicure so I'm going to suggest that, but otherwise it's all up in the air. We've become really good friend's again since the BC diagnosis and I think it will be a fun weekend.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

I'm tired

Four dates in one week is a little much, especially a marathon date like yesterdays. Brian #2 picked me up at 4 pm and I got home a little after 2 am. We did have fun tho, went to eat then to an outdoor music fest in Eagle Rock that I never knew about, then to karaoke (he sang three times and I sang once as back up on Love Shack). He knew a lot of the peeps there, apparently has been going there for a long time, so everyone was really nice. it really was a fun time, I think it's going well. Already this week I have a date with him on Tuesday and then with guy #3 on Thursday. I'm going to have seen all the movies in the theatre, I swear. I've decided not to get serious about either of them and just date for a bit and have some fun letting them take me out. The only bad thing is that Brian #2 asked me to add him as a friend on Facebook and I post about my dating adventures on there so now I have to be a little more circumspect. Anyway, besides cooking today and going for a walk all I've done is read and play around online, I needed a decompression day. Happy Sunday everyone!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Weekend festivities

So I think we all agreed that Brian #2 won the first dating challenge, hands down really. Tomorrow I am going out with a guy I went on a couple of dates with right around the time I started dating "the guy", he's nice, not sure there's really a spark, but what the hell. We are going to see Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist, s/b nice, juvenile fun. Then Saturday I am going out w/Brian #2, we are actually going out early, around 4, getting something to eat and then who knows. So I'll keep you all updated on how that goes. I honestly don't know why I can't find a really decent guy; is it LA, is it that I don't know where to meet them... I try to get friends to set me up but no one knows anyone single they'd want to have me date either. It sucks quite frankly but I'm going to keep trying because I really want to meet someone. I'm not desperate and I'm quite happy on my own, I just want that special someone to add to my great life. Why does it have to be so hard?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Which Brian would you choose?

So I think I mentioned both guys were named Brian, which was very helpful, didn't have to worry about calling one the wrong name. And yes, there was a clear winner, but I'll let you be the judge:

Monday night, Pasadena- meet Brian #1 outside his work place, he's ok looking, kind of short and wimpy looking, but whatever. He seems like he doesn't recognize me which is weird because I have lots of pics on my profile, including some recent ones with blonde hair. Tells me he thought I had long dark hair, I say no, it's been short and blonde for a while. I park and we walk to Barney's Beanery, I order a vodka tonic, he orders orange juice (OJ, really?), then I order a quesadilla, he orders soup and sandwich (chicken noodle & roast beef, geeze he's white). Convo is eh; I'm asking most of the questions, he's watching the game, and honestly, am I interested, not so much, but I always figure, make the best of it. About an hour in, we've finished eating, so we go, he doesn't suggest doing anything else, walks me back to my car, hugs me and kisses me on the cheek, ta da, done. I get home, go online, and see I have an email from him, subject is Wow. And it says, "you don't look anything like your pictures, I think it's a little misleading, you should have some recent ones posted, not that you aren't attractive, you are, but still, blah blah blah". So I email back "I do have some pics (and I attach one) with my current hair, and btw, the only thing different is the hair, my weight and face are exactly the same." So then he says, oh, I didn't realize that was you in the pic (it's me and two girlfriends), I thought you were the one in the middle (she's 15 years younger, but also mixed race). And I say well, that's why IT'S CAPTIONED (idiot) and there's no response (obviously realizes he's an idiot). And that was date #1.

Tuesday night, my place- Brian #2 picks me up, comes to the door, gives me a hug, we go down to his car, he opens the door for me and shuts it. He's not sure how to get from my place to Burbank so I am the navigator, we chat all the way into Burbank and go to a Mexican restaurant he knows. Parks, tells me, wait, I'll get your door, comes around and opens it and we go into the restaurant. We order drinks (diet coke for him, iced tea for me), then he asks what I want for an appetizer, we order a quesadilla. When he takes the first bite, it's too hot, he has to wash it down with some water, that goes down the wrong pipe, snot comes out of his nose, it's a beautiful scene. But, luckily I'm not easily grossed out, he's appologizing profusely, I'm like, no worries, stuff happens. Dinner goes much better than it started, we both get salads, neither of us can finish our food, just way too big of portions. Then we drive into downtown Burbank (gets my door for me again), go to shoot some pool, he asks in the car if it's ok to kiss me, I'm like, eh, why not so I say sure, he's an ok kisser but could use some pointers, he thinks I'm GREAT at it which I am ;). He sucks at pool and doesn't know the rules, I am a little less sucky but lose the first game to him because I do know and abide by the rules, but win the second game. Then he drives me home, walks me to my door, I let him come in for a minute to meet Monkee who seems to like him, we kiss a little more and makes plans for a second date Saturday then off he goes. First thing this morning at work there's an email thanking me for last night and saying he can't wait till Sat.

So, which date would y'all say went better, #1 or #2? :p